The amount money transferred each month is not the only salary value you bring home. There is other reward you can wish from the corporation. Even, besides it becomes plus credit point, it can be a “weapon” to increase your salary later.
Facility for employee
In the form of candidate employee, besides there is salary column there is also the facility one prepared for you.
Fill it out with healthy, pension, education bonuses and so on. If you don’t get it you can ask compensation on addition in salary. This is the trick if you have filled the too low salary.
Employee status in Bonfire Company.
This is also plus point if you wanna jump out to other company later. Yet, you have minimum salary but the working experience you get will enrich you. This plays important role to lift your salary later.
You like the job.
There is lucky if you choose a job because of idealism, not just money oriented. Because the happy employee will work totally for best quality. In any corporation, the successful one will be appreciated with addition in salary, right?