which doesn't mean it's not a handy little player by use of this own precisely; this plays 1080p going on which 10.3-inch screen, has built-on Wi-Fi as well as HDMI, as well as can plug into Samsung Apps went you're so inclined. and when consumers're never traveling, the BD-C8000 may handle 3D playback when it's hooked up how to a 3DTV and consumers're wearing the requisite 3D glasses.
one point on concern: the power duration is listed at three hours—which bordering on certainly means a decent amount less. So while end users've likely got enough juice as a decent-length flick, don't bank by use of making this through the Godfather: portions II. this's available now for $500, along via the BD-C7900 (featuring two HDMI outputs), BD-C6800, as well as BD-C5900, most habitation 3D Blu-ray players priced between $230 and also $400.
Samsung's as well adding how to their living quarters theater line-build up, leading with the HT-C9950W—7.1 channel 3D surround sound, ipod/iphone dock, two HDMI inputs, a wireless dongle, as well as a "premium volume wheel"—which will be available to October as $1800. it's meant as a companion piece To that super-reduced C9000 LED TV, but you go precisely ahead and put whatever TV on this you will.